The below links contain just a small sampling of the comments, suggestions, compliments, criticisms, and remarks received since this website went “live” in August 2011. I receive as many as ten emails or comments a day and I do my best to reply to them all. With a few of the comments posted in this section I actually posted my response as well.
Many of the comments I am sharing below were publicly posted on the “comments” section at the bottom of the individual pages in the LCM Archives, but others are from emails sent directly to me. If emails sent to me are of a sensitive, personal, or private nature – intended only for me – I will not post them here. So no worries there. I use my best discretion. I am also editing the comments previously posted here to remove the last names of the folks who posted them. In no cases will I re-post your email/phone/contact info unless you
specifically ask for that.
In closing I must say that I absolutely love receiving your comments, suggestions, and remarks so please keep them coming! The feedback I have received it that there are many people like myself you enjoy reading these comments as much as I do. Your feedback is what fuels this website. Thanks everybody!