*** ONLINE AS OF AUGUST 5, 2011 ***



Below are links to newspaper articles my website is mentioned in and also public appearances that I have made to speak about Lawrence County Memoirs. Click on the highlighted portion to learn more. Please contact me at jjbales@inbox.com if you desire to have me speak before your organization.

01/14/2012 ARTICLE – Ellwood City Ledger (L Carroll/LCM website)

05/03/2012 APPEARANCE – Ellwood City Rotary Club

07/20/2013 APPEARANCE – Chewton Schools Reunion

08/05/2013 ARTICLE – New Castle News (D Burcham/NC Field Club)

10/03/2013 APPEARANCE – Ellwood City Rotary Club

10/23/2013 ARTICLE – Ellwood City Ledger (L Carroll/LCM website)

12/09/2013 APPEARANCE – New Castle Rotary Club

05/26/2014 ARTICLE – New Castle News (L Pezzuto/LCM website)

06/19/2014 ARTICLE – Ellwood City Ledger (L Carroll/St. Teresa’s Cemetery)

10/13/2014 APPEARANCE – Ellwood City Hospital Ladies Auxiliary

10/22/2014 ARTICLE – Ellwood City Ledger (L Carroll/1937 plane crash)


  1. Unfortunately I am moving to a smaller place and must down siza. I have 6 Walt Whitman candies dinner plates that I am thinking about selling. Can you give me any info about how I can do this and what they would be worth. I think they are from the 1950’s. Thank you for your time. Michele Bird


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