What's New? (updated October 29, 2024)* Welcome to LawrenceCountyMemoirs.com. My name is Jeff Bales Jr. and this site was designed to document various aspects of the history of Lawrence County & surrounding areas in Western Pennsylvania. New content is being added on a regular basis. Please send along all comments to me at jjbales@inbox.com. * The first ever LCM book was published in July 2024. Lawrence County Memoirs: The Archives Vol. 1, a 571-page book, is available for purchase. Click on the above link for “STORE” for more information. Volume 2 is coming in 2026. * Make sure to join the LCM Facebook page to receive alerts when new updates are posted. Click on the Facebook logo above to access the page. * Visit the ARCHIVES section of this website - that's where the stories are! * SEND ME PICTURES. I am very eager for any historical information, old photos, or mementos relating to Lawrence County and surrounding areas. I love to post personal stories or antidotes as well. * Thanks for everyone who has been sending me information and photos recently via the LCM Facebook page or directly via email. I appreciate the support! |
Celebrate Lawrence County!Our hometown county has a storied history and "Seeing" New Castle and nearby environs is something I always appreciate. Thanks to everyone that has contributed photos and information to make this website an amazing success since it went online in August 2011. I am firmly committed to seeing this site grow even more in the coming years. Thanks again for all the support! |