A covered bridge known as Eckert’s Bridge spanned the Slippery Rock Creek about 1.5 miles south of the bridge at McConnell’s Mill. It was erected in 1852 and named for John Nicholas Eckert (died 1906), a man who operated a mill on the west side of the creek at that location. The covered bridge grew dangerous over the years and a lumber truck almost feel through it in early December 1933. After a truck fell through another nearby covered bridge (Breakneck Bridge) in August 1952, both aging spans were closed to traffic. Both were slated for replacement and the new Eckert’s Bridge (shown above) was opened for traffic in October 1954. Eckert’s Bridge was essentially isolated when Breakneck Bridge and parts of Eckert’s Bridge Road, Breakneck Bridge Road, and Cheeseman Road were closed due to massive erosion in 1979. (Oct 1954) |
Ernie Copper #
I have some old pictures of my ancestors on the bridge in the 20’s -40’s. Hell Run went through their property so this was almost in their backyard. It appears to be a “tied arch” bridge with a wood deck in the pictures. Not a covered bridge as we read about. Maybe there was a phase between the covered bridge and the “new” bridge in ’54 ? I’m not sure. I’d be happy to email copies of the pictures. I love your site and visit often.