*** ONLINE AS OF AUGUST 5, 2011 ***

Volant Cemetery - Volant PA

Volant Cemetery is a small burial ground located on Main Street/Route 208 just outside the western edge of the Borough of Volant in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. The stone entrance sign implies it was founded in 1864, about eight years before the town of Lockville (later renamed as Volant) was laid out in 1872. The land was once part of a farm owned by William Martin, who came from Ireland in about 1820. A Seceder Church (a Scottish Presbyterian group) was also established at or near the same site in 1835-36, so perhaps the cemetery was actually associated with that church? The church building was long since abandoned by the end of the century but the cemetery survived. It was not until about 1920 that the Volant Cemetery Association was formed to look after what had become a somewhat neglected site. During the 1920’s various fundraisers were held to raise funds to the upkeep of the grounds and in early 1924 additional property was donated by Hiram J. Collins to enlarge the cemetery. Today, the small non-denominational cemetery is still in active use and as well-kept as any burial ground in the county.

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  1. The pictures you have for Volant Cemetery are wonderful. The cemetery is very much a family cemetery. My great grandparents, grandparents, and parents are buried in Volant. One picture you have posted is of my brother, Jeffrey Spaulding. I also have aunts, uncles, and cousins buried there. Most of the families in the cemetery are related to me one way or another.

  2. Is this the main cemetery near Volant? An ancestor, Andrew Todd, was the miller and hanged himself in that building in 1860; he was around 30 years old. Have not been able to find a burial place for him; he may have been buried near but not in the cemetery since his suicide may have kept him out of consecrated ground. Any information on how to track down this information would be appreciated.


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