The Cochran House was an inn/tavern located on the Diamond and built in the mid-1800’s. During the Civil War riders would arrive here by horseback from Enon Valley to spread the latest news. In 1880 Col. David M. Cubbison bought the hotel and had it extensively remodeled and renamed the Fountain Inn in c1891. (c1898) | 
Under the ownership of Col. Cubbison until his death in 1905, the hotel became well known by travelers and local residents for its elegance. It was a luxurious establishment that grew to include eighty rooms. The hotel was in business for many years until it was destroyed by a devastating fire on Christmas Eve 1968. (c1908) |
ray saviers #
according to my g/gfathers wedding accouncement in new castle news on sept 13, 1883 they were married in the ““Fountain House”“. this date doesn’t correlate with the dates above. [stating that it was the Cochran house until 1891??] It was called the Fountain Inn in 1883…..???
please let me know the progression of events
ray >>>> rhsaviers@aol.com
jim brown #
my wife’s great grand parents owned the fountain inn. col.d.m. cubbison. those dates are correct. there was a fountain inn in new castle, Delaware opened in 1734 and the building still standing.