The Buttermilk Falls Natural Area is located in Homewood Borough in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, near the intersection of the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Route 18. The main feature of the park, which runs along Clark’s Run, is a picturesque thirty-five-foot waterfall that seemingly cascades off of the old railroad tracks above. The waterfall, now known as Buttermilk Falls, was always known by locals as Homewood Falls – and even earlier I’m told it was referred to as Smiddy’s Falls.
Recent legend has it that the falls got the name Buttermilk Falls in about 1870 from a group of Civil War veterans who enjoyed picnicking at the area, while enjoying their favorite refreshment of buttermilk. Whether that is true or not is unknown, but looking over newspaper reports the name Buttermilk Falls was not associated with it until recent years. I believe the popular name was “borrowed” from one of at least two nearby (and smaller) Buttermilk Falls located near the southern end of 5th Avenue in Koppel and along Wampum Run in Wampum.
The sleepy little rural area later known as Homewood Junction (or later yet as simply Homewood and sometimes as Racine) was first settled in about 1831. The area was jumpstarted in 1852 when trackage of the Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad (O&P) was built through the area. The area became a railroad junction as lines branched out south to Pittsburgh, west to Ohio and on to Chicago, and north towards New Castle and beyond to Lake Erie. The O&P was consolidated under the new Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, & Chicago Railroad Company (PFW&C) in 1856 and was later absorbed into the powerful Pennsylvania Railroad Company (PRR) in 1869.
The burgeoning village of Homewood Junction was laid out in 1859 and employment was plentiful with the railroad, a saw mill, an ice house, and at a stone quarry established just downstream from the falls. The village, which achieved borough status in 1910, got its own Post Office in 1862 and a Methodist Church (also serving as the local school) was also established in 1869. Years later, during 1914-15, a two-story brick schoolhouse was opened and the Harmony Short Line interurban streetcar system passed through the area.
The area along Clark’s Run had an exposed layer of Homewood Sandstone, a hard gray stone useful in heavy duty construction efforts, and was quarried (beginning in earnest in about 1852) for this valuable resource. The stone quarry was in its heyday throughout the remainder of the 1850’s when the nearby railroads helped transport the stone blocks out of the area. The quarry was in business for many years and at its peak employed about a hundred or so men from around the region. Work at the site died out in the 1870’s, but was restarted for a time in early 1902. The Homewood Quarry was one of a slew of heavy stone, bituminous coal, or limestone quarries established along the Beaver and Connoquenessing Rivers in the 1800’s and early 1900’s.
I can hardly find much mention of the falls throughout the first half of the 1900’s, but I presume it was a popular site for swimming and summer picnics. In the mid-1970’s a local initiative pressed the Beaver County government to take action to preserve the site, however it was years before anything happened on this front. The county finally purchased about four acres along Clark’s Run from a private interest in March 2000 and also received a generous donation of adjoining property from the nearby Conley Motor Inn.
The county cleaned up the site, named it as the Buttermilk Falls Natural Area in about 2005, and added parking spots, safety railings, and wooden benches along an improved trail. A large sign marks its location along Route 18 north of Beaver Falls, but the park is still a little known gem of Beaver County. The park is county-owned but by agreement is maintained by the borough of Homewood. Around the falls are other historic sites, including the old Homewood United Methodist Church, several old railroad bridges, and remnants of the Harmony Short Line.
The fortunes of Homewood Junction rose and fell with the railroad industry. With the general decline of the railroads beginning in the 1920’s the area soon returned to its sleepy roots. Today, Homewood is a quiet little settlement with a population of only about 150 people and Buttermilk Falls Natural Area is a beautiful – though seemingly unknown – attraction.
![]() Wooden steps help guide you along the way to the falls. (Aug 2010) | ![]() Clark’s Run, which meanders below to the left of the path, is quite picturesque. (Aug 2010) |
![]() The view after a short walk and climb down to the falls area. (Aug 2010) | ![]() An old carving from 1899 is clearly visible in a stone underneath the falls. (Aug 2010) |
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![]() Looking out from behind the falls. (Jul 2011) | ![]() A feline spotted along the path to the falls. (Jul 2011) |
Jacqueline Tulumello #
Question: I am going nuts trying to find my Robinson ancestors. My great grandmother said they came from Homewood, Lawrence county, PA. My first question is: Was the Homewood that is now Beaver county once part of Lawrence county? Or was there another Homewood in Lawrence county?
I love your pictures. This is a very nice website.
If you could answer my questions, I would be very grateful.
Jackie Tulumello
Jeff Bales #
(EDITOR’S NOTE) Jackie, Thanks for the compliments. Homewood Station or Homewood has always been a part of Beaver County. It was also known as Racine for a time, based on the name of the local Post Office. The reason for that was there is a “Homewood” near Pittsburgh, now a section/neighborhood of that city and known for the famous Homewood Cemetery. Any reference to “Homewood, Lawrence County” is undoubtedly referring to the town in Beaver County – just south of the Lawrence County border. But be careful because most references to Homewood are usually referring to the more populated neighborhood in east Pittsburgh. Jeff
Hap Wichryk #
The Civil War picnic story is not accurate. Our church, at the falls has references to Buttermilch (German Derivative)Falls before the 1870 Date. In this time period our church membership contained several Civil War veterans. There are eight CW Vets buried in our cemetery. If that picnic happened as in the article quoted it certainly would have included the church and some of the members. The earlier date as to the name clinches that the fireside story of the train excursion cannot be accurate.
Hap Wichryk #
Ms. Tulumello,
I am thoroughly acquainted with the history and genealogy of the Homewood area. It is close to Lawrence county as half of Big Beaver was clipped off when Lawrence County was formed. If you can give me some more information on your family I may be able to help you. There is also the Genealogy and Research Center in Beaver where many records from the inception of Beaver County to the present are located. Hope to hear from you.
Jeff Bales (EDITOR) #
(EDITOR’S NOTE) Hap, Thanks for your informative posts. Let’s explore this a little deeper. Just when the name Buttermilk became associated with Homewood Falls is unknown to me. I've seen various accounts give different time frames. I really don’t know, but it's usually given as "about 1870." Newspaper reports seem to shed little light on the subject. Your post leaves out a major detail… i.e. when you say your church “has references to Buttermilch (German Derivative) Falls before the 1870 Date.” What are the dates of those references? That’s a major nugget of info! Late 1860’s? Even earlier than the Civil War? 1850’s? I believe the church did not relocate to the falls until late 1869 or early 1870. Is that correct? Did the church members visit the falls when congregation was still located to the south? Thanks. Jeff
Shannon #
Moving to this area soon…just bought a home in homewood, beaver falls area….the area around this area is trashy..with the strip club and adult book store..wish it was a little cleaner…do I need to have concerns about this area…I have two children and just want a safe environment for them.please let me know…thanks
Glenn Pierce #
The original Buttermilk falls is located in south Koppel just down from the shredder, my 2 friends and I found it a couple of years ago, it is all grown up,
Hap Wichryk #
Would like to speak about Homewood Falls and Buttermilk Falls Park when you have time.