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In about 1850 local Methodists began meeting in private homes and the local schoolhouse in the small community of Wurtemburg, often referred to as “Dutch Town” and founded by a host of settlers hailing from Germany. In 1876 a church, known as the Centennial Methodist Episcopal Church, was built along the banks of the Slippery Rock Creek on the eastern edge of Wurtemburg. The congregation steadily grew in size and in 1934 the basement was dug out to make room for Sunday school classes, a host of improvements were undertaken in the 1940’s, and a new educational building was erected in 1960. The Methodist and Evangelical United Brethern Churches congregations were merged on a national level in April 1968 and as a result the name of the church was changed to the Wurtemburg United Methodist Church. The church is still in active service today. (c1905) Full Size |
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