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Seavy's Photo Studio - New Castle PA

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Edgar E. Seavy, born in Wisconsin in 1859, operated a photography studio in Sharon before relocating to New Castle in 1890. He soon set up shop at #12 North Mercer Street with A. R. Fowler of Meadville. After a few years Seavy bought Fowler out and later (in the early teens) opened up a new studio at #226 East Washington Street (shown above). His studio was located on the second floor of this building, just above the Clutton Drug Store. Note the entrance to Seavy’s on the ground floor. Seavy’s Studio became one of New Castle’s most well-known photo establishments and in early 1908 developed the first color photographs available in the city. (c1920) Full Size

Seavy’s later moved into this new location (on right) at #118 East North Street, just east of the intersection with Apple Way. The location is now a parking lot for First Merit Bank. (1960) (Lawrence County Historical Society photo) Full Size

Edgar E. Seavy, born in Wisconsin, operated a photo studio – first in Sharon and then in New Castle – for over sixty years from c1879-1942. He was probably the most popular photographer in New Castle and his studio introduced color photography to the city in 1908. Seavy passed away in September 1942 at the age of eighty-three. (1910)

George H. Getty, a trusted employee, took over ownership of the photo studio soon after Seavy’s death. Getty operated Seavy’s for the next forty years until he retired in 1984. He passed away at the age of eighty-nine in November 2009. (1980)

After Seavy passed away in September 1942 his studio was taken over by employee George H. Getty. Getty ran the business for many years until he retired in 1984, at which time Ron Leonhardt, a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology, assumed ownership. In 1991 Leonhardt relocated the studio to a residence at #11 East Wallace Avenue, when the old Seavy’s building on North Street was demolished (with the old Strouss building). The business was closed for good sometime in about 2002. (c1975) Full Size

Photographer George Getty, who operated Seavy’s for forty-two years. (1964) Full Size

Ron Leonhardt assumed ownership of Seavy’s in 1984. In 1991 he relocated the studio to a residence at #11 East Wallace Avenue, when the old Seavy’s building on North Street was demolished. The business was closed for good sometime in about 2002. (1992) Full Size

Some examples of old cabinet photos taken at Seavy’s Studio in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. The first one is actually from the Seavy & Fowler Studio with a handwritten note on the back that simply reads “Rose Weigle.” Full Size

It is said that Seavy probably photographed nearly everyone in New Castle in the early 1900’s. Call me crazy but could this be a photo of Seavy himself? Full Size

Two old cabinet photos from Seavy’s, one of the most well-known photo establishments in the region. Full Size

Seavy took this photo entitled Painter’s Local Union, which includes several dogs, for a Labor Day event in New Castle in early September 1904. (1904) Full Size

The old Seavy’s cabinet photo on the right is identified as “Fred Line.” Full Size

More old cabinet photos from the Seavy & Fowler Studio located at #12 North Mercer Street. Full Size

Two cabinet photos from Seavy & Fowler’s studio. (c1897) Full Size


  1. I have an old photo in a cardboard frame that has the name “Seavy” in the lower right corner. It does not have the New Castle address or the name “Fowler” on it. I have been unable to discover who the young lady in the picture is but I would like to know who took the picture. Is the Seavy I have the same as Seavy and Fowler?

  2. My Grandfather Glen Carpenter also worked with and at the studio. I was under the imbprssion he also took it over. I have many pictures with the stamp on them taken of my mom and my brother and I. Susan Buckner 3-9-2019


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